What Is Vitamin B12?

Sourced From Methylcobalamin

We source the B12 for our Vegan Multivitamin from methylcobalamin, a source found in nature that is much more readily absorbed by cells in the body than cobalamin

Few Plant Foods Contain B12

Many animal products are rich in B12 yet very few plant foods contain the bioactive vitamin

Procude Red Blood Cells

B12 helps to produce red blood cells which act as messengers between our lungs and tissues

Helps Regulation Of Nerve Cells

B12 plays a crucial role in the regulation of nerve cells, helping to optimize brain function and performance

B12, also known as cobalamin, is one of 12 B vitamins. B12 is an important B vitamin that helps to support your body’s blood and nerve cells and promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. B12 is produced by bacteria when they exist in environments that contain the mineral cobalt. Certain animal products contain high levels of B12 because they consume these bacteria through the foods that they eat. B12 is predominantly found in animal products such as fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.

There are very few plant based foods that contain bioactive vitamin B12 however trace amounts are found in nori seaweed, tempeh, and certain mushrooms. There are two forms of B12; methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. We’ve chosen to use methylcobalamin (over cyanocobalamin) because it is the naturally occurring form of B12 in the body. When you consume cyanocobalamin, the body must convert it into methylcobalamin. This means that methylcobalamin is more readily available to the body for uptake. Studies also reveal that methylcobalamin shows higher tissue retention.

What Is The Recommended Daily Amount of B12?

Adults are recommended to take 2.4 micrograms of B12 each day however higher doses are considered safe. Your body will absorb only as much B12 as it needs and excrete any excess through your urine. Fortunately, a single Terraseed capsule contains 59.2 mcg of Vitamin B12, more than enough to meet the recommended daily amount - allowing you to feel your best.

Key Benefits of Vitamin B12

Key Benefit 1

B12 helps to ease inflammation of the skin through the generation of skin cells.

Key Benefit 2

Because B12 helps to promote oxygen rich cells in our body, it’s been linked to hair and nail growth.

Key Benefit 3

B12 is a critical component in the formation of oxygen rich red blood cells which help to energize our bodies.

Key Benefit 4

B12 helps to ease inflammation of the skin through the generation of skin cells

Vitamin B12 Key Benefit 1

B12 plays a critical role in the regulation of our nerve cells, helping to form and regenerate the nerve fibers that transmit signals from our brain to the rest of our body. Thus, B12 has a direct impact on various brain functions such as our mood regulation, perception formation, motor function and general state of mind.

Vitamin B12 Key Benefit 2

You need B12 in your body in order to create red blood cells. Red blood cells act as messengers between our lungs and the rest of our body, carrying oxygen and removing CO2. Oxygen is the life force that sustains us and gives us energy to perform everyday tasks. Thus B12 helps us to feel energized, allowing us to thrive.

Vitamin B12 Key Benefit 3

Because of the role B12 plays in the formation of cells, B12 helps to promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. B12 is a key component in the formation of these cells and thus can help boost the growth of hair and nails as well as reduce inflammation in your skin.

Why Do Vegans Need Vitamin B12?

Many animal-based products are rich in B12 including fish, meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. Animal liver and kidneys are particularly high in B12. Because B12 is produced by bacteria and not animals, animals receive B12 by way of being exposed to bacteria found in manure or foods, drinking contaminated water, or receiving fortified feed. Humans that eat these animals are then able to receive the B12 stored in the animal’s flesh.

What Vegan Foods Are Rich In B12?

While there are very few plant based foods that are rich in B12, there are a few sources suited for vegans such as nori seaweed, tempeh, nutritional yeast and mushrooms. However, it’s important to note that there are small amounts of B12 in these foods and in some cases, might not be considered β€˜active’. Historically, those following a vegan diet would have been able to get B12 from residual soil left on plant-based foods grown in nutrient-rich environments. However, today’s sanitization practices coupled with nutrient depleted soils make this avenue for B12 consumption near impossible.

Why Vegans May Need To Supplement Their B12 Intake

Because very few plant-based foods contain adequate B12 levels, vegans need to supplement their diet with B12 to ensure optimal cellular health. Drastically reduced cobalt levels in soil from depletion combined with the over-washing of vegetables makes B12 very difficult to get from plant-foods directly. B12 deficiency can have serious adverse health effects such as memory loss, anemia, fatigue, and brain damage. For these reasons, it is highly recommended that vegans supplement vitamin B12 daily.

Vitamin B12 Sustainability

Why Is It Important To Know Where B12 Comes From?

Understanding the origin of your B12 is incredibly important in evaluating its potential health and environmental impacts. Take for example that many cheaply-made B12 supplements use Cyanocobalamin, a synthetic form of B12 that your body must convert into Methylcobalamin. Cyanocobalamin also contains trace amounts of toxic cyanide; when consumed your body needs to exert itself to safely remove it from your system. How Do We Source B12 Sustainably?Our B12 is made inside of a lab where bacteria cultures ferment and as a result, produce vitamin B12. This B12 is then harvested and sent off to be added to our Multivitamin for Vegans. Carefully controlled production of B12 in a lab minimizes disturbances to nature which helps to reduce the overall impact of B12 production. Choosing to consume B12 by supplementation rather than fish, meat or poultry allows you to consume B12 the same way as every other animal on the planet - from microorganisms. Choosing supplements over animal products prevents the suffering of sentient beings and helps to minimize environmental degradation caused by animal agriculture. That’s why at Terraseed we obtain the B12 for our Vegan Multivitamin from methylcobalamin, a source found in nature that is much more readily absorbed by cells in the body. Our vitamin B12 supplement is obtained from a natural source and delivered to you inside a biodegradable package to support you on your plant-based & planet-friendly journey.

Vitamin B12 FAQs

Is it OK to take vitamin B12 supplements?

Supplementation of B12 is a great way to meet your daily recommended B12 intake. Consumption of B12 through supplementation can help to support your body’s blood and nerve cells, maintain healthy energy levels, and promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. While there are many foods rich in B12, the reality is many people still experience deficiency. This is especially true for those following a plant-based diet because reduced cobalt levels in soil and the over-washing of vegetables makes B12 very difficult to get from plant-foods directly.

Which vitamin B12 supplement is best?

We believe the best supplements are sustainable ones! That’s why we’re excited to share our Multivitamin for Vegans with the world. Our goal is to provide nourishment in ways that enhance the lives of all of earth’s inhabitants. We do this by sourcing ingredients inspired by nature; our Multivitamin for Vegans contains B12 from methylcobalamin, a source found in nature that is much more readily absorbed by cells in the body. Bioavailable and beneficial for the body - that’s why we think it’s the best!

What is the best supplement to take for B12 deficiency?

We’ve formulated our Multivitamin for Vegans to help our fellow vegans avoid B12 deficiency. It’s not uncommon for those following a plant-based diet to experience some degree of B12 deficiency which is why we’ve included 59.2 mcg of Vitamin B12, more than enough to meet the recommended daily amount. However, if you’re experiencing deficiency even after regular supplementation and a balanced diet - we suggest that you meet with a nutritionist or physician about a supplement plan that’s right for you. Underlying medical causes may contribute to continued deficiencies so it’s important to consult with a medical professional so that you can thrive!

Are vitamin B12 tablets any good?

Regular Vitamin B12 consumption benefits your body in various ways; you may find yourself experiencing a boost in energy, improved memory, or even glowing skin! Vitamin B12 is incredibly important and beneficial for your body so supplementation can help to ensure you are meeting the daily recommended amount.However, not all B12 supplements are made equal; there are two forms of B12, methylcobalamin and cyanocobalamin. We prefer methylcobalamin (over cyanocobalamin) because it is the naturally occurring form of B12. Additionally, when you consume cyanocobalamin, your body has to exert extra energy to convert it into methylcobalamin. Methylcobalamin is the most readily available for your body to utilize, making it the easier and more effective option for your body.

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