What Is Folate?

Breaks Down Harmful Compounds

Folate helps to break down harmful compounds in the body such as the amino acid homocysteine, that is harmful at high levels

Helps Form Healthy Blood

Folate plays an important role in the formation of healthy blood cells which is especially important during times of pregnancy

Natural Form Of B9

Folate is the natural form of B9 found in various foods while folic acid is a synthetic version

Folate Rich Foods

Folate is an important B vitamin (B9) that is found in a variety of animal and plant-based foods such as fresh fruit, leafy greens, eggs, and beef

Folate is an important B vitamin (B9) that is found in a variety of foods such as fresh fruit, leafy greens like spinach or kale, eggs, and beef liver. Folate plays a critical role in the formation of red blood cells, helping to regulate cellular growth and function. Thus, folate helps to maintain an internal balance by replenishing the body on a cellular level. The production of healthy red blood cells is especially important during periods of growth such as pregnancy or infancy.

Folate also helps to break down harmful compounds in the body such as homocysteine, an amino acid that can cause cardiovascular damage at high levels. Folate is the natural form of B9 while folic acid is a synthetic version. Given the prevalence of the MTHFR gene mutation (~ 40% of the general population) that prevents the conversion of folate into a usable form, we have included a methylated form of folate in our Vegan Multivitamin to support those who cannot process folic acid. [5] MTHF is the form that is most available for the body to use, unlike folic acid, so our supplements are sure to nourish anyone who takes them.

What Is The Recommended Daily Amount of Folate?

The recommended daily amount of folate for adults is 400 micrograms (mcg), however higher doses are considered safe at/or below 1000 mcg. Child-bearing vegans are recommended to increase their folate dosage to 600mcg to reduce the risk of developing anemia and/or birth defects. Folate has been shown to reduce the risk of birth defects and aid in the prevention of neural tube disorders, such as spina bifida since folate is a B vitamin that aids in healthy growth and development.

Key Benefits of Folate

Key Benefit 1

Meeting your daily folate requirements helps to protect your heart by reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Key Benefit 2

Folate helps to regulate harmful compounds in the body such as Homocysteine, an amino acid​​ that can cause damage to your arteries at high levels.

Key Benefit 3

The production of healthy red blood cells is especially important during critical periods of growth such as pregnancy or infancy.

Key Benefit 4

Folate plays a role in the formation of healthy blood cells which carry out various functions in the body.

Folate Benefit 1

Folate helps to support cellular health by promoting the formation of healthy blood cells. Adequate folate levels are necessary for your body to produce red and white blood cells, stimulate growth, oxygenate your muscles, and provide you with energy. When your folate levels are low, you might begin to feel fatigued.

Folate Benefit 2

Folate plays a role in the construction of DNA - your body’s genetic material. DNA is the building block of the body and carries important genetic information and instructions within your cellular community. Folate actually increases the stability of your DNA and supports DNA synthesis and repair.

Folate Benefit 3

Folate helps to regulate harmful compounds in the body such as Homocysteine, a sulfur-containing amino acid​​. If levels become too high in the body, this amino acid can cause damage to your arteries and create blood clotting, contributing to the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Thus, consuming adequate levels of folate helps to protect your heart and by reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Why Do Vegans Need Folate?

Where Do Non-Vegans Get Their Folate?

Folate is found in a variety of foods including animal products as well as fruits and vegetables. Those who follow an omnivorous diet might rely on eggs, animal liver or seafood products to meet their daily folate requirements; however, non-vegans can also receive adequate amounts of folate through plant-based foods.

What Vegan Foods Are Rich In Folate?

There are a variety of folate-rich foods suited for vegans; leafy greens, lentils, citrus, beets, chia seeds, flax seeds, avocados, and beans all contain prominent folate levels. In fact, dark leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale actually contain higher levels of folate than beef. Consuming whole, plant-based foods is an effective and sustainable way to meet your daily folate requirements while sticking to a vegan diet. In fact, just one cup of raw spinach provides about 15% of your recommended daily folate intake and the same goes for Β½ of an avocado!

Why Vegans May Need To Supplement Their Folate Intake

While some research shows that vegans actually have higher folate intake than omnivores, there’s no guarantee that a plant-based diet provides enough folate on its own. A balanced plant-based diet that includes lots of dark leafy greens and other vegetables such as peas and lentils can help to ensure adequate folate consumption. Low folate levels can lead to a variety of health issues such as muscle weakness, fatigue, and vision problems. Additionally, without enough folate, the neurotransmitters that regulate your mood get bogged down. Not enough Folate means not enough red blood cells, which may affect your energy level, mood and overall brain health.

Folate Sustainability

Why Is It Important To Know Where Folate Comes From?

Considering that folate comes in various forms (i.e. folate vs. folic acid, methylated vs. non-methylated), it’s important to understand the health and environmental implications of the source that you choose. For example, a large percentage of the population have low levels of the enzyme that converts folic acid to its usable form which makes folate a more effective option, with MTHF being the easiest for the body to use.

How Do We Source Folate Sustainably?

We package and deliver your folate needs in a way that is kind to the planet and supportive of your health. We use a natural and sustainable folate supplement -- one that is found in human plasma. It is produced in a laboratory and is more immediately bioavailable than folic acid. While we are proud to use a more bioavailable and natural source, we are committed to continuing to find ways to minimize the footprint of our folate. This means finding a source closer to home so that our folate doesn’t have to travel so far to reach your home.

Folate FAQs

What is folate supplement good for?

Folate supplementation helps you to maintain an internal balance by replenishing your body on a cellular level. Folate has been shown to help promote the production of healthy red blood cells, which is especially important for pregnant women as it supports growth and development. Folate is converted to a usable form of vitamin B9 in your gut and eventually absorbed by the body to be used in various metabolic processes.

Are folate and folic acid the same thing?

Folate and folic acid are two different forms of the essential vitamin B9. Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9 found in food, while folic acid is a synthetic form. We are fans of folate because we love to consume ingredients inspired by earth!

Should I take folic acid of folate?

Considering that a large percentage of the population has low levels of the enzyme that converts folic acid to its usable form, folate is a more effective and bioavailable option. Should you have low levels of this MTHFR enzyme and choose to consume folic acid, you may be at risk of experiencing a build up of folic acid in the body. Nourishing your body with folate, found in whole foods or supplements, is preferred because it is more readily available to the body and does not pose the same risk of build up.

What is the best form of folate to take?

MTHF (methylated folate) is one of the easiest forms of folate for the body to use. Methylfolate is attached to something called a β€œmethyl group” which is a preferred form of folate by your body. Methylfolate regulates cellular processes such as genetic expression, an essential process that helps to keep your body optimized and feeling its best. This is because methylfolate is the most activated in the body, is well absorbed, and can effectively raise folate levels in your blood. This form of folate is also preferred for those with the MTHFR mutation, which is an estimated 40% of the population!

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